What would you do with an extra 10 hours every week?

With smerf.ai, the virtual sales assistant from Kismet, teams can accomplish what used to take hours in minutes. We help boutique hotels sell like the industry’s biggest players.

How it works

1. Buy ads on Facebook, Google, and a half dozen other platforms

2. Our AI processes the leads and handles qualification and communication

3. Offer small groups an instant-book option, or step in for more complex sales

Social groups and events are different.

So we made smerf.ai with them in mind.

We eliminated the tedious tasks

Spend less time sending emails, writing contracts, and entering leads in a CRM

  • Fits into your current workflow

  • Answers questions

  • Drafts communications on your behalf

  • Follows up for you

And gave you whole new insights

Guest intent scoring

Lead conversion rate

Hotel & STR group comp sets

Get in touch

Schedule a demo